This section is a microblog where I post ideas, thoughts, questions and subjects that I am wondering about right now. The format should be considered as quick drafts, like “Get this on paper now!” or function as my public paper trail.

2024-06 - Super lean containerized open source goodness.

Setting up Linux servers can be a hassle, even with Docker. There are so many commands, and it can take time to get all the configurations right. With ChatGPT, this is a breeze, so I am closing some expensive SaaS subscriptions and moving over to self-hosted Docker images.

2024-04 - More bonsai, parenting and human nature

Spring is here, and that takes my mind to gardening and bonsai season. For the first time, I am testing if I can grow ficus bonsai from cuttings. I’ve also learned the concepts of air layering bonsai. It will be exciting to try this out later. I’ve bought two new Japanese maples that I will try to grow strong and healthy.

Two ways of propagating bonsai

2023-08 - Science, physics and high temperature

The Oppenheimer movie sparked a great joy and revisit to the world of physics. I love a lot of that stuff when I can study it on my own terms. I believe it was my facination of Richard Feynman that started it. In addition, I also did a lot of wok practice in the kitchen. Velveting beef, frying correctly and learning some new techniques. I feel these things will stick with me for the rest of my life.

2023-07-01 - Heavy workflow improvements

Introduced by the video capture tool Loom…

2023-03 - GTP. It’s all about the GPT

I’ve used ChatGPT a couple of times during work, and I am absolutely shocked by the value it provides. I think it’s the biggest leap in tech I’ve seen for years. Let’s see if it sticks or can go even further.

2023-02 - Only a few things left of the Hugo-rewrite

OG:image for twitter and facebook… Now commpleted!

2023-02 - Image compression with Hugo

Finally got it working! Even inside markdown files 👍

2023-02 - Hugo Static Site Generator

I just started using the Hugo web-framework built on Golang. Seems like a powerful tool. It’s maturity, build performance, great community and most importantly, it solves some of the challenges I’ve been experiencing with the other SSG’s I’ve been using in the past…

2022 - Stoic philosophy

Stoic philosophy. Aurelius, Epictitus, Seneca, Ryan Holiday.